Indicators of Welfare of the People of Dairi Regency in 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dairi Regency

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Indicators of Welfare of the People of Dairi Regency in 2023

Catalog Number : 4102004.1210
Publication Number : 12100.2330
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 29, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4.83 MB


The estuary of the development that has been carried out by the government aims to realize the welfare of the community. To identify the success of government programs in realizing the welfare of the community, indicators are needed as planning and evaluation materials. This publication contains the development of indicators intended to identify the welfare of the people of Dairi Regency both over time and between districts/cities. Publication of People's Welfare Indicators 2023 is an annual publication published by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Dairi Regency.This publication presents data from various available and measurable aspects of welfare originating from the results of the 2023 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas). employment, consumption levels and patterns, housing and the environment, poverty, and other social references in efforts to improve the quality of life. We expect constructive criticism and suggestions from various parties to improve future publications. We hope that this publication will be able to meet the data needs of government agencies, the private sector, academia, and the wider community. We thank you for the participation of various parties in the publication of this publication.
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