Official Visit of the Head of BPS District. Dairi to Pj. Regent of Dairi - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dairi Regency

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Official Visit of the Head of BPS District. Dairi to Pj. Regent of Dairi

Official Visit of the Head of BPS District. Dairi to Pj. Regent of Dairi

October 3, 2024 | Other Activities


Hi #Data Friends
On October 3 2024, the Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Dairi Regency, Mr. Joel Warin-angin, SST, paid an official visit to Acting. Regent of Dairi. This visit is an important step for Mr Joel as the new head of BPS, as well as to discuss the implementation of sectoral statistics in the regions.
This event was attended by the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), the Head of the Community and Village Empowerment Service (Dispemdes), as well as representatives from the Communication and Informatics Service (Kominfo). In a friendly and productive atmosphere, Mr. Joel explained BPS's plans and strategies for improving the quality of data that will be used for development planning.

One of the main focuses of the discussion was the One Data Indonesia program, which aims to create integrated and quality data. Mr. Joel emphasized the importance of collaboration between agencies to realize this goal, so that every policy taken can be based on accurate and relevant data.
Acting The Regent of Dairi welcomed this initiative and gave his support to the proposed measures. He stated that quality data is the key to formulating effective policies in improving community welfare.

It is hoped that, through the synergy that exists, Dairi Regency can optimize the use of data to achieve better development goals.
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