Announcement of Open Recruitment for Agricultural Census Officers 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dairi Regency

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Announcement of Open Recruitment for Agricultural Census Officers 2023

Announcement of Open Recruitment for Agricultural Census Officers 2023

March 13, 2023 | BPS Activities





Hello #Sahabatdata! Did #Sahabatdata know that the 2023 agricultural census (ST2023) is the 7th agricultural census in BPS history. The agricultural census is a national activity held by BPS every ten years in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 16 of 1997.


The objectives of ST2023 include:

1. Provide agricultural structure data down to the smallest administrative unit;

2. Provide data as a benchmark for current agricultural statistics;

3. Provide a sample frame for follow-up agricultural surveys.


One of the important stages in ST2023 is field data collection in the coming June-July. For this reason, BPS Dairi Regency called the best sons and daughters of Dairi Regency to become ST2023 field officers.


Registration for ST2023 officer candidates for Dairi Regency is here

Registration requirements, activity timeline, and complete information can be downloaded here





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